Teologi Kerapuhan : Studi Terhadap Pemikiran Henri J.M. Nouwen Tentang Intimitas Sebagai Cara Mengelola kerapuhan Insani di Dalam Komunitas

This research is explaining Henri Nouwen’s ideas for intimacy in order to build a vulnerable theology. Intimacy, as thought by Nouwen, is a way to manage vulnerable experiences both in personal and in communal context. His work is a spiritual reflection that is meant to develop friendship and spirit of solidarity in our world which is full of competition. The world dictates people to be successful in a rigid and narrow definition of the term. Sadly, it has turned people to competitors and rivals with one another. That is why the value of friendship and solidarity decreases and almost disappears from relationships between humans. From this context, Nouwen wants to redefine the meaning of success within a new perspective. His perspective engages human’s vulnerable experiences. He does this as his effort to live in accordance with God’s will. Nouwen’s idea of intimacy can be developed in both personal and community relationships. The meaning of intimacy is given a new value from human's vulnerable experience with God’s love. In his creativity, Nouwen gives a new perspective for Eucharist;
a Christian ritual which reveals the vulnerable experience of Jesus. Therefore, within Christian community, Eucharist is a celebration of vulnerability.
Vulnerability is a pilgrim to find God’s love which has been demonstrated in the ritual of Eucharist. In the intimacy expressed in Eucharist everyone can explore his or her vulnerable experience and turn it into a spiritual experience. In
intimacy expressed in Eucharist, everyone always have a partner to seek
peaceful life where intimacy then becomes the soul of community life.

  • (2151010382) Dahlia Vera Aruan
PublisherSTT Jakarta
SeriesKatalog Universitas
Sub CategoryThesis
Source1700229;ARUAN, Dahlia Vera;2151010382
CopyrightsThe resource(s) is/are owned by the Creator/Contributor.Reproduction & distribution for non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the credit for the Creator/Contributor and the source are explicitly stated,and no alteration are made


  1. jkpthj-is-s2-2017-2151010382-161-teologi_kerapuahan-cover.jpg

  2. jkpthj-is-s2-2017-2151010382-161-teologi_kerapuahan-abstract_toc.pdf
  3. jkpthj-is-s2-2017-2151010382-161-teologi_kerapuahan-conclusion.pdf
  4. jkpthj-is-s2-2017-2151010382-161-teologi_kerapuahan-references.pdf
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