Rumah yang Terbuka : Model Menggereja Feminis-Misional dalam Narasi Perjumpaan Perempuan Pendatang dan Asli di Gereja Kristen Pasundan

As a global phenomenon, migration has shaped the character of mission in the twenty-first century. The shift of mission understanding and practice from within the context of migration has often been initiated by the encounter of natives and strangers. This study offers a unique perspective on this global phenomenon of mission by bringing the Indonesian local Christian women’s—both strangers and natives—narratives of church and mission based on their daily encounters. The women are members of two local congregations of Pasundan Christian Church.
This study brings several elements into dialogue, i.e., the local women’s narratives of church and mission, the nineteenth century’s American women’s mission theory of “Christian Home,” Letty Russell’s feminist ecclesiological metaphor of church in the round, the theological view of Christian practice of hospitality, the Sundanese cultural way of communication called malapah gedang, and a perspective of church as paroikos. The dialogue of these complex elements gives a theological basis to construct a model of feminist-missional church called “open home.” This study argues that a model of feminist-missional church is relevant in responding to the complex challenges of the encounter of strangers and natives. It is a model that offers a perspective on the church as open, hospitable church of pilgrims.

Key words: Malapah gedang, Gereja Kristen Pasundan, hospitality, paroikos, Christian home, feminist, mission.

  • (2171010409) Elsa Novita Tureay
PublisherSTT Jakarta
SeriesKatalog Universitas
Sub CategoryThesis
Source1900388;TUREAY, Elsa Novita;2171010409
CopyrightsThe resource(s) is/are owned by the Creator/Contributor.Reproduction & distribution for non-commercial purposes is permitted provided that the credit for the Creator/Contributor and the source are explicitly stated,and no alteration are made


  1. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-cover.pdf
  2. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-abstract_toc.pdf
  3. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-chapter1.pdf
  4. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-chapter2.pdf
  5. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-chapter3.pdf
  6. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-conclusion.pdf
  7. jkpthj-is-s2-2019-2171010409-163-feminis_gkp-references.pdf
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